About Us

Our Performance

Karibu Community Homes Logo

We continuously review our performance against our strategic goals. This includes regular feedback from our residents to identify areas for improvement.

Our Executive Management Team reviews our overall performance each month, and our Board quarterly, to ensure we are achieving our objectives and giving our residents the best service possible.

We deliberately set ourselves challenging targets in order to continue to improve and develop as a business and as individuals.

We benchmark our performance against our goals, previous performance, and against our peers, to ensure we meet the standards and ideals we set ourselves whilst striving to be the best in the sector.

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

The Regulator of Social Housing requires all registered providers to generate and report Tenant Satisfaction Measures as part of the new Customer Standards framework.

All social housing providers in England must collect data on a new set of tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs). These are part of a new system developed by the Regulator of Social Housing to assess how well social housing landlords are doing to provide good quality homes and services.

The measures are aimed at helping improve standards for people living in social housing by:

  • Providing visibility, letting tenants see how well their landlord is doing and enabling tenants to hold their landlords to account
  • Giving the Regulator insight into which landlords might need to improve things for their tenants

The TSMs are designed to see how well landlords are keeping properties in good repair, maintaining building safety, engaging respectfully and helpfully, effectively handling complaints, and managing the neighbourhood responsibly.

For more information on the Tenant Satisfaction Measures and how they affect you, please visit Tenant Satisfaction Measures - Summary of RSH requirements (www.gov.uk)

Below you will find our TSM results for Q1 2024/25...

TSM Report Q1 24/25 (pdf, 1.8MB)

Below, you will also find last year's TSM report and TSM Summary of Approach from both organisations prior to our merger to form Karibu.

Karibu TSM Report 2023-24 (pdf, 3.2MB)

TSM Summary of Approach & Information - Inquilab (pdf, 750KB)

TSM Summary of Approach & Information - Westway (pdf, 700KB)



Complaints Performance and Service Improvement

The new Complaint Handling Code from the Housing Ombudsman Service became statutory on 1 April 2024, making it a legal requirement for landlords to adhere to its guidelines. The code aims to establish best practices in complaint handling, ultimately enhancing the service provided to residents. Further information on the Housing Ombudsman and the code is available on their website: www.housing-ombudsman.org.uk.

As a member of the Housing Ombudsman Scheme, we are obligated to comply with the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code. In accordance with this, we produce quarterly reports on our Complaints Performance and Service Improvement, which can be accessed below:

Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report Q1 24/25 (pdf, 656KB)

Below, you will also find our Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement along with Board commentary for 2023-24

Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement 2023-24 (pdf, 573KB)

Board commentary on Annual Complaints Performance and Service Report 2023-24 (pdf, 123KB)

Last updated: 18th September 2024