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19th June 2024

We want your feedback on our draft service plan!

We want your feedback on our draft service plan!

Following our recent corporate plan consultation, we've developed a detailed draft service plan, and we need your input to ensure we're focusing on the right areas.

This draft plan is shaped by the feedback you've provided over the past year through surveys, complaints, and other engagement activities. We value your voice and want to make sure it drives our future direction.

What's inside the draft service plan:

  • Four main workstreams: These are the key areas we'll be focusing on.
  • Resident voice summary: A reflection of the feedback we've received.
  • Proposed activities list: Specific actions we plan to take.

How to get involved:

  1. Download and read the draft service plan: Draft service plan (pdf, 1.65MB)
  2. Provide your feedback: Once you've reviewed the plan, click here to complete a short feedback form where you can share your thoughts and let us know if you'd like to join one of our resident groups.

Deadline for Responses: Friday, July 19th, 2024.

Thank you for your time and for helping shape our future. Your input is invaluable to us!

Please note: If you encounter any issues accessing the document or survey link, please don't hesitate to contact us at

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