Your home
Your tenancy
When you become an Karibu tenant, you will be given a copy of our Resident's Tenancy Handbook. This includes all you need to know about your tenancy and what you can expect from us, and what we expect from you.

Types of Tenancy
When you sign your tenancy agreement, you’re making a legally binding agreement with us to keep to the terms and accept the responsibilities of the agreement. As long as you meet your responsibilities as a tenant your home will not be put at risk.
Inquilab offers four types of tenancy:
An Assured Tenancy is a lifetime tenancy which allows you to stay at your property so long as you do not break your agreement and meet your responsibilities as a tenant. These tenancies were mainly issued between between 1989 and 2011. They are now only offered to:
- Tenants who have successfully completed a starter tenancy which was granted before 2011
- A mutual exchange from an existing assured tenant
- A transfer of a resident from a different local authority who has an assured tenancy with another housing association.
From April 2012, five-year, fixed term tenancies came into effect to replace Assured Tenancies. Six to nine months before the end of your tenancy we will review your tenancy record which will take into account any change in your financial or family circumstances, your rental payment history, behaviour, and whether your home is still suitable for your needs.
If the review has a satisfactory outcome we may grant you a renewed fix term tenancy. You can appeal if the review concludes to terminate your tenancy without a rehousing option.
These tenancies have less security of tenure than Assured Tenancies. We will only issue them in limited circumstances.
Starter tenancies have a probationary period of one year and, during this time, you’ll be an assured shorthold tenant. On review of the probationary period, we have the right to terminate, or to offer you continued, tenancy. In some circumstances we can extend the probationary period.
Mutual Exchange
A mutual exchange lets you exchange your home with another Karibu tenant, or with a tenant from another housing association or council almost anywhere in the country.
To arrange an exchange, contact your council’s housing office or any housing associations with suitable properties in the area you wish to move to.
As long as you don’t have rent arrears and your home is suitable for the people you wish to exchange with, we will normally agree to a mutual exchange.
Karibu is a member of the HomeSwapper lettings scheme which allows you to advertise your home online. You can register with HomeSwapper at
Transferring to Another Home
Circumstances change, families grow, and children grow up and leave home. If you feel your home is too small or too large for you, please contact us to discuss a transfer.
As long as there is nothing to legally prevent you moving, we’ll usually approve a transfer and register you on Locata, the website that lets you look and bid for suitable homes. We will send you a letter confirming your unique number and banding so you can get bidding.
Ending Your Tenancy
You can end your tenancy with us at any time. We require at least four weeks written notice and you can use our template letter. We will then send you a form which you need to complete and return to us to start the moving out process.