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How we can help

Aids & adaptations

If you or a member of your household finds it difficult living in your home due to a disability, you may be entitled to aids and adaptations that can help.

Aids & adaptations

Such examples include (but not limited to) the provision and installation of a stair lift, special grab bars, or access level shower.

In the first instance, you should contact your local authority’s Social Services department and ask them to arrange an assessment in your home by an Occupational Therapist (your doctor can also refer you).

If changes to your home are necessary, we will either carry them out ourselves or through an appropriate, and trusted, company.

What is an Adaptation?

An adaptation is a change made to a home to help a resident with a disability to live independently, comfortably, and with dignity. There are two types of adaptations:

Minor adaptations

This includes facilities and equipment that is easy to install, like handrails, grab rails, ramps, toilet seats and lever taps.  

Major adaptations

This work covers more extensive and complicated work such as stair lifts, access lifts and level access showers. For all adaptations, we seek the best approach which considers the recommendations and available funding of your Local Authority and any other third party. In consideration of adapting your home to better suit your needs, we will also discuss with you the possibility of moving to a more suitable home.

Regardless of how an adaptation is funded or provided for, it must have our approval and no adaptation can be carried out without our consent. 

If you need to get in touch with us regarding an adaptation, please contact us via Connect with us page.

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